Name Playzon's Triple Rec
ID 10191
Author samuelplayzon
Fractal Product FM9
Firmware Version 3.x
Set Up Direct
Description This is an update to my last upload.All levels have been gone through and reworked for best possible outcome in a studio setting. I made this to match my tone I use in my triple rectifier. I toured with it for years and most Recto presets always seem to be woofy and unmanageable from a studio perspective. I hope you like it as much as I do! Gear: Music Man BFR Axis Super Baritone with Bareknuckle Juggernauts. I also Use this Preset with a Ibanez Iron Label 7 string Loaded with Bareknuckle Ragnaroks.
Band/Artist/Player Samuel P Lauzon
Genre metal, Djent, Progressive
Date UploadedFeb 27, 2023