Name AT Fun (FW 22.00 beta 9)
ID 10299
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 22.x
Set Up Direct
Description An 8 Scene preset loosely based around Andy Timmons' rig - 2 x Lonestars (Texas Star in FAS FW), various drives, Halo, etc. We don't have a Blues Driver yet so I've substituted that one with 3-knob Tube Driver (thanks Yek!). You'll need FW 22b9 or later to run it. Dyna-Cabs are a substantial part of the equation so if you're running an FM9 or FM3 you will have to choose some Texas Star cab from the Legacy selection. There's a video demo and explanation at
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman, Andy Timmons
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedMay 01, 2023