Name Fender Champ Tweed X2 DynaCab
ID 10572
Author fumsk
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 22.x
Set Up Direct
Description 2 Fender Tweed Champ 5F1's (5F1 TWEED's).with stock, compressor, and drive scenes. This is about as basic as you can get. Supposedly this is Keith Richards main amp (paired with a Fender 12" Deluxe combo with a whopping 12 watts and a tone knob in addition to the volume knob, this one just has an 8" speaker, 5 tube watts, and a whole one knob (volume) and that's it. but it sounds nice and sold a lot of records lol.
Band/Artist/Player These Pines
Song N/A
Genre Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedSep 20, 2023