Name Boston Third Stage
ID 11005
Author TDKing
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 25.x
Set Up Other
Description So, this is my take on the Boston tone, distortion and clean , 4 scenes , rhythm, Harmony,Lead and clean. I did add more bass to the clean, so it doesn't sound so thin. I did allot of research online looking at what others did and that set the road map for this. I tested this through several speakers like my JBL monitors, Friedman asc-12, and through my peavey 50/50 classic into a EVH 2x12 cab. On my end it gets extremely close to the Boston tones. Enjoy.
Band/Artist/Player Boston/Dokken underlock n key
Song Boston smokin, Dokken in my dreams.
Genre Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedJun 13, 2024