Name Ultimate Bonamassa SoloAWeek
ID 1101
Author CCRoyalSenders
Fractal Product Axe-Fx II
Firmware Version 11.x
Set Up Direct
Description The Ultimate Joe Bonamassa Preset. Based around the BRIT SILVER, the preset utilizes Scenes 1-5 to recreate many of JB's live tones. Includes TWO STONE J-35 on Scenes 4 & 5 for big lead. VOL pedal assigned to EXT 1. Rotary speed in Scene 2 may be controlled with a pedal assigned to EXT 2. Use at full speed for "Mountain Time" and similar. Flanger in Scene 3 used for "Just Got Paid" and others. WAH assigned to EXT 2 with Bypass switch via CTRL 97. BRIT SILVER includes Bias Tremolo, which will become apparent when the volume knob is rolled off to a cleaner tone and the amp is not being hit as hard, as with JB's live setup. VIDEO: SOUNDCLOUD:
Tone Match No
of a live amp/cab No
Band/Artist/Player Joe Bonamassa
Genre Blues Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedApr 06, 2013