ID 11186
Author wayneboo1745
Fractal Product FM3
Firmware Version 9.x
Set Up Direct
Description User cab: After scouring the internet for a plethora of tone demos and tutorials most of the presets I've come across don't really capture the true tones heard on the various periphery albums. Hence this preset was done through meticulously tone matching by ear, studying all available videos done by Periphery members regarding their tones and insights on their tones such as from various masterclasses and online tutorials such as those done by Misha Mansoor, and the gain video done by Mark Holcomb. This preset also contains the secret sauce cab (will shall not be named for copyright) in which they have used live as well as in studio on the P5 album.
Band/Artist/Player Periphery
Song Wildfire
Genre Djent, Metal, Metalcore,Heavy Metal,Rock, Progressive Metal
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedOct 21, 2024