Axe Change -The Official Site for Fractal Audio Presets, Cabs and More


Determining Your Setup

The "Setup" filter helps you to focus on those presets best-suited for how you use your Axe-Fx.

FRFR/Direct presets (like all of the Factory presets) are designed for "full-range flat-response" systems such as studio monitors, PAs, headphones, etc.

Pwr. Amp + Cab presets use real power amps and guitar speakers.

4-Cable Method (aka :4CM") presets require a special setup with connectors both in front of and in the effects loop of a real amp.

Fx Loop presets in the loop of a real amp. A loop may be SERIES or PARALLEL and the preset needs to be built accordingly.

Gtr Amp Input presets should be used in front of a (real) head or combo. Guitar->Axe-Fx->Amp Input.

Other setups also exist (e.g. combinations of the above).

The Axe-Fx II manual (chapter three) includes more information about setups.

"Cab" search results ignore the settings of this filter.

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Name Gojira Rig

ID 11472

Author parhelia_0000

Fractal Product Axe-FX III

Firmware Version 27.x

Set Up Direct

Description Introducing the Gojira Rig preset! This preset consists of all the basic tones you will need to cover 99% of Gojira's repertoire, based around the EVH 5153 Stealth amp models for mid to high-gain tones, and Fender Deluxe Reverb for the pushed clean tone for the intro to "Flying Whales." The highlight of this preset is mainly the pitch block, where you will be using a variety of whammy and octaver effects to take your metal tone to the next level. Note that you will need an expression pedal connected to the Pedal 1 input if you want to take full advantage of this preset, although if you REALLY want the most out of this preset, I highly recommend you use a dedicated Digitech Whammy pedal in front of the Axe-FX III as it will have far less latency than the Fractal's pitch block. (Oh, and FM9 users rejoice! This preset is cross-compatible with FM9!)

Band/Artist/Player Gojira

Song Flying Whales

Genre Groove Metal

Instrument Electric Guitar


Date UploadedJan 23, 2025