Name La Ballerina
ID 1581
Author A to the T
Fractal Product Axe-Fx II
Firmware Version 11.x
Set Up Direct
Description After checking out the waveform of the actual recording the two delay settings for each pitch is 112ms and 224ms. When I programmed this in the harmony block and checked it in soundforge the delay was reported as 148ms and 264ms. This is caused by the high settings on the pitch tracking parameter. If you set it to almost zero then the delay is accurate. Anyhow, with a tracking setting of 6.16 I had to set the delays to be 91 and 182 and that resolved it.
Tone Match Yes
of a live amp/cab No
Band/Artist/Player Steve Vai
Song Ballerina 12/24
Genre Instramental Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedAug 12, 2013