Axe Change -The Official Site for Fractal Audio Presets, Cabs and More


Determining Your Setup

The "Setup" filter helps you to focus on those presets best-suited for how you use your Axe-Fx.

FRFR/Direct presets (like all of the Factory presets) are designed for "full-range flat-response" systems such as studio monitors, PAs, headphones, etc.

Pwr. Amp + Cab presets use real power amps and guitar speakers.

4-Cable Method (aka :4CM") presets require a special setup with connectors both in front of and in the effects loop of a real amp.

Fx Loop presets in the loop of a real amp. A loop may be SERIES or PARALLEL and the preset needs to be built accordingly.

Gtr Amp Input presets should be used in front of a (real) head or combo. Guitar->Axe-Fx->Amp Input.

Other setups also exist (e.g. combinations of the above).

The Axe-Fx II manual (chapter three) includes more information about setups.

"Cab" search results ignore the settings of this filter.

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Name JB's 5150 III (Ibnz-W/D)

ID 4471

Author JustinBourdeau

Fractal Product Axe-Fx II

Firmware Version Q-3.x

Set Up Other

Description This is my current go-to metal rhythm patch. It's a super-tight and clean 5150 III set up for a Wet/Dry rig. I use this patch through my cab (Randall XL 4x12) and one JBL studio monitor. You can either blend the two signals for a 3D bedroom level sound or you can use the FX loop out as a WET only FX channel through your speaker of choice with your cab running dry. I have an EMG 81 in the bridge so if you are running a lower output bridge pickup, use the filter block level to boost the gain a touch. My guitar is naturally very bright sounding so you can increase the low cut in the filter block to clean up some muddy low end if need be.

Tone Match No

of a live amp/cab No



Genre Metal, Progressive,

Instrument Electric Guitar


Date UploadedAug 13, 2016