Name Clean - Steven DeMartini
ID 5696
Author sjdemartini
Fractal Product Axe-FX II XL+
Firmware Version Q-4.x
Set Up Direct
Description This is the clean guitar patch I used in recording my album, One Sound from Many. It is featured on all of the following songs: "The Span Between II: Thought," "The Span Between III: Time" (as in this guitar playthrough, "To Form a Connection," and "Away Forward." The preset is based on Sithu Aye's clean patch, with some tweaks to my own personal taste. Listen to the full album to hear it in action:
Band/Artist/Player Plini, David Maxim Micic, Sithu Aye, Scale the Summit, Animals As Leaders, Steven DeMartini
Genre Progressive Metal, Progressive Rock, Djent
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedAug 16, 2017