Name Q9b EVH
ID 5780
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX II XL+
Firmware Version Q-8.x
Set Up Direct
Description Written in "Quantum" Rev. 9 Beta, this is in response to Admin's suggestion to give the Plexi 6550 with Cab #61 a go for some EVH action. I've dressed it up a little with phase, flange and reverb blocks (thank you VanDanzi) and given the amp a few tweaks to suit my ears and guitar. You'll have to do the same, no doubt. I make no claims to accuracy, just fun. Enjoy and make it your own. A short video demo can be viewed at
Band/Artist/Player Eddie Van Halen
Song Various
Genre Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedSep 25, 2017