Name HIWATT - Burgs
ID 6080
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX II XL+
Firmware Version Q-9.x
Set Up Direct
Description This one goes with the video I made for some Fender Abby Ybarra CS '69 Pickups (and the accompanying guitar). I pulled out my old Floyd backing track and let rip in Gm. But I had to write a reasonable HIWATT DR103-based platform in order to do so. This is that preset. There are four scenes. They're all similar except for the cab swaps (F155 vs F156), a couple of X/Y dirt boxes and a very cranked DR103 in scene 4. Have at it. Tweak to taste. Use a Strat or something similar if you have one. Rock. Oh... the video demo is at
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman / David Gilmour
Song Pink in Gm
Genre Classic Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedFeb 27, 2018