ID 6222
Author nhgtrman
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 1.x
Set Up Direct
Description I saw @2112 Leon's post on the AX8 section about a quick and easy brown sound preset so I just made a preset in 5 min for the Axe Fx III. I used Leon's settings from his demo on the AX8, but with less bass and used some factory cabs in the Axe FX III and a plate reverb. Using my Suhr Modern, volume about a little less than half for the AC/DC, all the way up for Van Halen, and then neck pickup for the little lead thing at the end. No post processing
Band/Artist/Player Brown Sound, Van Halen, AC/DC
Genre Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedApr 24, 2018