Name HIWATT & Power Booster (BYO)
ID 6546
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 1.x
Set Up Direct
Description There's one great old overdrive I can't seem to emulate with the Axe-FX III just yet, so I've dug out the Buffalo FX clone of the mighty Coloursound Power Booster for a video outing. I've paired the real-world overdrive with this HIPOWER-based preset and they get on really well. Try it with a stock standard Stratocaster. The video demo is at As a sort of bonus you'll find 7 other scenes with a bunch of fuzz/delay/reverb combinations based on the same HIPOWER platform. Tweak to taste.
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman, David Gilmour
Song Various.
Genre Classic Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedSep 25, 2018