Name Hanging On
ID 6936
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 2.x
Set Up Direct
Description 'Hanging On' is a very clean Vibrolux-based tone garnished with some Plex Verb from the PlexDly block. It is a modified Scene 3 from my 'Fenders - Burgs' preset, tweaked for my Johnny Marr Jag. I wrote it to perform a melancholy improvisation that can be viewed at . The Bare Knuckle Jag Pickups in the Johnny Marr are quite low output so you may need to back off the Input Drive on the Amp block a little if your guitar is hotter. Written in FW 5.02. Enjoy and make it yours.
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman
Song Hanging On
Genre Ambient/Chill/Pop
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedApr 07, 2019