Name HBE V1 (Gain Variations)
ID 7013
Author JustinPompper
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 2.x
Set Up Direct
Description I was a long time Axe fx II user. Recently I acquired a III. This is an attempt to recreate my Friedman HBE V1 rig. Tweaked for drop C tuning, but with some minor adjustments with the gain you can make this your own. Each scene has a tighter and looser feel each with either less or more gain. Depending on the type of part you want to record I find this useful. A modern amp and playing style with a slight vintage vibe.
Band/Artist/Player Pompper Productions
Genre Progressive Metal+Death Core+ Metal Core
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedMay 25, 2019