Name JP2C Replica 8 Scenes - M72
ID 7423
Author Max72
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 10.x
Set Up Other
Description Further tweak of the JP2C Replica with: - Direct / FRFR on Output 1 - Power Amp (FR) on Output 3 - S1: Rythm - S2: Lead - S3: Clean - S4: Rythm w/Chorus - S5: Lead w/Big Reverb for Swells - S6: Lead w/Wah - S7 Rythm w/Wah - S8: Piezo (compressor and PlexVerb) FC 1 Exp Pedal 1 controls Amp Master Volume FC 1 Exp Pedal 2 controls Wah Enjoy :-)
Band/Artist/Player John Petrucci
Song Anything on JP2C
Genre Metal
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedNov 03, 2019