Name Four Amps - Burgs
ID 7898
Author Burgs
Fractal Product FM3
Firmware Version 1.x
Set Up Direct
Description This one's for the folks like me who use their FAS stuff to sometimes demo other peoples' stuff like guitars, pedals, etc. I have used my Fractal gear as a better alternative to 'real' amps for my last 800 or so videos. Yep. So, here's an FM3 preset with four of the usual food groups: Deluxe, JTM45, ACxx, Friedman. Watch the video at and you'll get the drift. And you can port it to Axe-FX III if need be. No dramas.
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedApr 30, 2020