Axe Change -The Official Site for Fractal Audio Presets, Cabs and More


Determining Your Setup

The "Setup" filter helps you to focus on those presets best-suited for how you use your Axe-Fx.

FRFR/Direct presets (like all of the Factory presets) are designed for "full-range flat-response" systems such as studio monitors, PAs, headphones, etc.

Pwr. Amp + Cab presets use real power amps and guitar speakers.

4-Cable Method (aka :4CM") presets require a special setup with connectors both in front of and in the effects loop of a real amp.

Fx Loop presets in the loop of a real amp. A loop may be SERIES or PARALLEL and the preset needs to be built accordingly.

Gtr Amp Input presets should be used in front of a (real) head or combo. Guitar->Axe-Fx->Amp Input.

Other setups also exist (e.g. combinations of the above).

The Axe-Fx II manual (chapter three) includes more information about setups.

"Cab" search results ignore the settings of this filter.

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Name Tony Iommi

ID 8115

Author diezel013

Fractal Product Axe-FX III

Firmware Version 12.x

Set Up Direct

Description I put 3 scenes... Scene 1 (Clean) is a representation of Tony's clean sound that you hear on early Sabbath songs like Planet Caravan with just a touch of spring verb... delay and chorus ready to go if desired. Scene 2 (Dirty) is my attempt to recreate Tony's rhythm guitar tone, which was most often a Treble Boost into a Laney Supergroup 100W at the time. As the Laney isn't available, the SLP seemed like the best choice. I opted for Greenback's for cabs (period correct, though Tony used Laney cabs I believe) and blended some different models... Scene 3 is basically the same exact thing although it has delay and reverb already activated for a little ambiance when soloing. PS... I've included a Wah linked up to footswitch no.1, but in case you have your Axe set up differently, maybe you want to change the settings. The chorus for the Dirty and Lead scenes was my attempt at emulating Tony's sound on Killing Yourself To Live, although it seems that the studio version is multitracked wet/dry. Hope you enjoy it... Please remember, I don't proclaim this to be a COPY, simply my representation of Tony's early sound.

Band/Artist/Player Black Sabbath/Tony Iommi


Genre Hard Rock/Heavy Metal



Date UploadedJul 13, 2020