Name Stereo FX Loop - Burgs
ID 8185
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 13.x
Set Up Direct
Description Another utility preset I use for Youtube stuff. 8 amps, 4 sets of cabs that are duplicated in Cab Blocks 1 & 2 and panned hard left and right for stereo effects. Use left Output 4 to go to your mono input on your pedal (say, Jet Pedals Revelation V2) and send the stereo outputs from your pedal to Input 4 left and right on the Axe. Make sure you've got your front panel Output 4 turned up full. Use Scenes to select different amp/cab types. Tons of effects on tap too.
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman
Song Various
Genre Demonstration
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedAug 18, 2020