ID 8217
Author diezel013
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 13.x
Set Up Direct
Description Here's the patch I use for Def Leppard songs with my cover band. The tempo is currently set for Photograph but if you use tap tempo, or want to edit it, it could work for most things Def Leppard. From my understanding Phil Collen used a Rockman for the recording of the classic Def Leppard albums. To get closer to this sound I downloaded Leon Todd's Rockman Cab blocks. YOU WILL NEED THEM if you want the patch to work as designed. You'll want the Rockman 4 "cab" in the cab slot. Other than that it should be ready to go. Hope ya dig it. Cheers!!! Just updated to firmware 14.00 but didn't get the option on axe change (just FYI)... No parameters should have changed though.
Genre Rock
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedSep 13, 2020