Name Whylite
ID 9293
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 17.x
Set Up Direct
Description Written in FW 18.02, Whylite is a loose attempt at the heavenly throb and cleans that you'll get from a Magnatone Twilighter Stereo in Stereo Pitch Vibrato mode. I've written 8 Scenes based around the JM45 and Class A platforms. There is a video demo at that's probably worth watching for explanations of each Scene. One of these days I hope Cliff can get his hands on the real thing so we can play with something closer, but in the meantime...
Band/Artist/Player Burgs, Brett Kingman.
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedDec 06, 2021