Name Cabronita Demo
ID 9300
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 17.x
Set Up Direct
Description Yesterday I made a video demo for the 2019 Fender US Cabronita. I used a preset that I've been working on that is basically a suite of the 'brownface' models available in the current FW (18.03). I put a Marshall Super Bass sort of thing together as well (Scene 8) to try and show the attack of the TV Jones Classic pickups, Malcolm Young-style. The Super Bass was pieced together following a short research session on the forum - SLP with JTM45 tone stack, reduced Bright cap, V30 cab and some other tweaks. The video, if you're interested, is at
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedDec 09, 2021