Name RIG 1 - HSS
ID 9589
Author Burgs
Fractal Product FM9
Firmware Version 2.x
Set Up Direct
Description Written in FW 2.02. Another of my all-in-one patches for gigging. This one voiced with Charvel HSS (JB/SSL6x2) and spanning clean to mean; Fender, Vox and Marshall amp models with surrounding effects. The Wah is set to auto-engage with External 1 so you'll need to modify its Control parameter if you use yours differently or not at all. This patch will also work well with straight up Teles and Strats but you will need to tweak drive and trebles to taste. Rock out.
Band/Artist/Player Brett Kingman
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedApr 21, 2022