Name Main Live
ID 9700
Author Ingrassiat04
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 20.x
Set Up Direct
Description I was inspired by John Petrucci's recent rig breakdown YouTube video. I noticed that he is using something similar on his Axe-fx 3 preset #82 (Petrucci Rig). He has one voicing detuned down 5 cents and the other up 5 cents. There is also an LFO filter automatically modulating them by about a cent. His delay times are a little long for me, so I shortened them down to 5ms and 10ms. I have 6 sounds: Clean JM45 Vox low gain Marshall crunch Atomica High Gain Lead Marshall Lead Atomica
Genre Everything
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedJun 14, 2022