Name HALO vs Delay Blocks (v2)
ID 9752
Author Burgs
Fractal Product Axe-FX III
Firmware Version 20.x
Set Up Direct
Description You'll need FW 20.02 or later. This is more let's-try-and-replicate-Keeley's-HALO fun. This time I've applied most of @guitarnerdswe's Stereo Tape Delay settings (Scene 2) and applied them to two more delay blocks, both running Stereo Memory Man delays instead (Scene 3). I did this because I remember that Andy (Timmons) loves the original Memory Man and I'm pretty sure that's what Robert and the team were going for. You'll need your own reaI HALO to complete the loop in Scene 1 which is what it's set up for - to compare. So... Enjoy.
Band/Artist/Player Burgs
Song Various
Genre Various
Instrument Electric Guitar
Date UploadedJul 16, 2022